Category: Reach - Part 2

REACH: Small changes to spark healthy habits

By Maren Stewart LiveWell Colorado has launched the second phase of a statewide, multi-year social change campaign focused on promoting healthy behaviors among Coloradans. From trading soda for water to taking the stairs instead of the elevator, the new campaign provides tools for Coloradans to make small, sustainable changes in their daily lives. So why are we focusing on small changes? As research from our previous campaign shows, many Coloradans now have a more realistic understanding of their weight, and consequently, their health status, and have faced a reality check that they need to take small steps to eat healthier…

Hail to the king of exercises

By Adam Osborn Many people have strong opinions, founded in truth or not about the squat. Some think its dangerous and injurious. Others believe the squat is the undisputed king of exercises and that performing it is like taking your awesome pills. Why is the squat the rightful king and why should you be squatting? Lets begin with a quiz. Do you do any of the following? Get out of bed in the morning Use the restroom Get into or out of a car Sit down Stand up from seated Pick things up from the floor Squat If you had…